Fix Broken Items WGPL Repair Cafe Poster

FBI* (*Fix Broken Items) Repair Cafe

In partnership with Earth Works and sponsored by Farlow's Home Hardware

This is like Antique Roadshow - you carry in your broken treasure and wait for a fixer to help.  No registration required.

Bring your broken lamps, your ripped seams, your chipped teapots - you get the idea.

We will have fixers who can help in these categories, to start:  clothes, occasional furniture (so, portable - don't bring a couch), electrical appliances, crockery, and toys.  No charge.

We're relying on handy volunteers of all stripes (starting with some of the folks from Earth Works - thanks!) to share their knowledge and coax new life out of household items - and maybe teach us a little about keeping our possessions in useful condition and out of the landfill, longer!

Farlow's Home Hardware will supply some hardware items, but if you have the missing piece, bring it!  Only portable items, please!

And if you're a 'fixer', someone who has the know-how in one or more of these categories, we'd love to have your help.

For more information, call 519.369.2107 or  contact